I went back to Doha in June and then Doha returned to me...at least for a
few days...we all ended up in Tucson...what a neat town! Golfed in 114 temp! Hate the speed limits, though! Got a ticket going 51 in a 40! Forty on a dual lane road...forty?!? They only have
12 cars in Tucson (it's a biking town!), can't believe how slow they make you drive...
The economy sucks and we've got a new president...poor guy can't seem to do a thing right. It's one thing to grumble about some of his politics but some of the complaints are too personal...it's as bad as it was with good ole' George (but he really deserved some of the heat!). Our country is so divided...both politically and between the haves and the have nots! I used to be Republican and pro-business...but the "Republicans" as I knew them have lost control and business has just gotten more greedy than ever! They don't learn...why do they think we got unions back in the dark ages...because business was too greedy back then.
Well, Blog, I'll get off the soapbox and on to better things. The holidays are coming and I'll be getting the house ready for decorating...love doing that. Gotta stay away from Parson's Christmas Store! If I don't get back to you before the holidays, my wishes for the Christmas holiday and the New Year are for much happiness and success and that we get out of this bloody recession soon! Don't know what next year will bring, so I think I'll spend some time on old good memories!!!